#project365 [day 33] Madame Tussaud’s NYC

Midtown Manhattan, the chaos of the skyscrapers, crazy big adverts, neon lights, thousands of cars and even more people crowding the sidewalks and streets. In the middle of all that, a hand holds a sign over a building. A very big golden hand, that catches my eye in the middle of all the visual noise. It signals the building that houses the Madame Tussauds NY collection. I think about trying to isolate the hand from the rest, but end up deciding on including its surroundings, and show a bit of the sensory overload that is NY.

-- Gear
Fujifilm X-T1
Fujifilm XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6R LM OIS WR
-- Post
Lightroom : Initial toning and final crop
Photoshop: Sharpening and clean up
NikCollection Color Efex Pro 4: Toning and Detail extraction